Learn The Ugly Truth About Fungal Skin Infections

onychomycosis fungal skin infections under toenailsFungal skin infections are prevalent and can affect people, regardless of their health, age, or gender. Often referred to as a mycosis. You can find them on plants, in the dirt outside your home, and even on household services. It can lead to infections and symptoms that are very noticeable.

Types Of Infections

There are quite a few fungal infections that can appear on your skin. These include ringworm, athlete’s foot, jock itch, and tinea versicolor. The reason that these will appear is usually due to your environment. Fungi tend to be most active and prolific in moist and warm climates.

That is why many people will develop fungal infections on their feet. If they play sports or exercise without changing their socks, these damp and sweaty areas are the perfect environment for fungi to form.

Associated Symptoms

Fungal infections that appear on your skin are always very noticeable. You will know that they are based on how they feel and look. You will initially experience some form of mild irritation.

It can lead you to itch your skin where the fungal infection is now growing. Your skin may also become very scaly. As you scratch your skin, the redness of the condition can become more prominent.

It is always a bad idea to itch skin that has become infected. You may inadvertently begin to spread the fungi through these actions. As the infection becomes worse, you may notice that swelling will occur. In extreme cases, blistering of the skin may manifest.

Common Fungal Skin Infections

Fungal infections on your skin can appear at any location. They are more apt to occur in areas of diminished airflow. If you consistently wear socks and exercise, your feet may develop these infections. They can also appear in the folds of your skin and areas such as your groin.

Some of the most common are ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, and yeast fungal skin infection may also occur. There are store-bought remedies and pharmaceutical options that can help you.

Ringworm Of The Body (Tinea Corporis)

Although the name is somewhat misleading, this fungal infection can become quite serious. It is not caused by any type of work, but fungi that will appear on your limbs and torso. There are several types of infection, including jock itch and athlete’s foot.

The primary symptom that will indicate that you have this is a ring-shaped rash that will have raised edges. Although the skin within the ring will look relatively healthy, it is easy to spread.

Jock Itch (Tinea Cruris)

This fungal infection will appear on your skin, specifically in your thighs and groin areas. It is most common with males, and in particular, adolescent boys. An itchy rash will first be noticed, which can become exacerbated through physical activity.

It can spread to your abdomen and onto the buttocks, which can be highly uncomfortable. Cracked or scaly skin is a symptom that you should look for. Your skin will become flaky, itchy, and may even be dark-colored.

Like tinea corporis, it will also have a slightly raised appearance. In most cases, over-the-counter antifungal medications will be beneficial.

To prevent this from getting worse or from happening at all, changing your clothes often can prevent it from happening. If you exercise regularly, it is imperative that you shower, dry yourself off, and use new clothing every day.

Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)

It tends to appear between your toes, yet it can also be on the bottom of your feet. It will begin with a burning or stinging sensation.

You will want to itch your skin, increasing its dry and flaky appearance. The redness may also increase as you scratch, plus blistered and cracked skin may develop.

In severe cases, other areas of your body could also be afflicted by this fungal infection. It can appear on your hands, called tinea manuum, and it can also infect your groin and your nails.

Different Types Of Athlete’s Foot

There are several different types of athlete’s foot that you may develop over time. These will include moccasin, interdigital, and their testicular. Moccasin athlete’s foot will begin with itching.

You will start to notice definitive dryness on your skin. It may begin to scale over, become very irritating, and become thicker and crack over time. It tends to appear on the sides of your feet, yet it can encompass the entire bottom sole of your foot.

An interdigital athlete’s foot will occur between your toes, especially between your two smallest toes when it first begins. Finally, this athlete’s foot is not very common. But when it does occur, fluid-filled blisters will appear.

Tinea Versicolor

Tinea Versicolor is a combination of both fungal and yeast infection. It is most noticeable as discolored patches on your skin. When another type of fungi increases, called Malassezia, the patches will begin to appear.

These can either appear very dark or extremely light by comparison to the current pigmentation of your skin. These will also be flaky, itchy, or scaly. It tends to occur in warmer climates and during the warmer months.

Onychomycosis (Tinea Unguium)

This fungal infection may not directly affect your skin; it typically occurs on your nails. More specifically, your toenails and fingernails may develop this condition. You will start to notice that the color of your nails will quickly become discolored.

Due to the way the fungi interact with your nails, they may also become highly brittle. It makes them prone to breaking very quickly, yet they will also become very thick and unsightly. The colors you will see may include white, brown, but yellow tends to be the most common.

Prescription medications for onychomycosis are usually the best way to tackle these infections. These typically coincide with fungal skin infections on your feet and hands.

Cutaneous Candidiasis

More commonly referred to as Candida, this is a skin infection resulting from fungi we all naturally have. It tends to get out of control, leading to the condition, and it can be one of the most difficult to experience.

Intense itching is often associated with this condition. Candida skin infections typically occur in areas of your body that are poorly ventilated and habitually moist.

The most common areas for this fungal infection will include the buttocks, under the breasts, and it can also occur because of diaper rash. Small red pustules may also develop in the most severe cases.

Preventing Fungal Skin Infections

The prevention of these infections is relatively easy. You need to use environmental medicine to prevent situations conducive to producing fungal infections. Most of them will occur in moist warm areas.

Not to be confused with Acanthosis Nigricans, these areas are typically dark areas with poor airflow and may occur in the folds of your skin. When all these factors are present, fungal infections will likely happen. Therefore, by preventing these conditions from appearing consistently, you can avoid skin infections from fungi.

By changing your socks regularly and your underwear, you can prevent most of them from occurring. By eliminating warm moist clothing from your skin, the fungi will not be able to get out of control.

How BioScan Can Help

While fungal skin infections can be minimized with over-the-counter medication and prescription drugs, BioScan can also assist with these issues. BioScan is an option that allows both adults and children to manage stress in their lives properly.

They can also assist people in understanding how their bodies work and help with managing anxiety. The sensors that are part of the BioScan system will measure your galvanic skin response to get a proper reading.

Both physical and emotional stimuli can contribute to why we develop fungal infections. By taking advantage of BioScan technology, you can minimize the potential of developing fungal infections on your skin.

Although fungal skin infections can occur at any time, there are ways to prevent their appearance. Once you have a fungal infection, you will need to address it as soon as possible. They can lead to uncomfortable situations that can be very painful.

To help prevent their appearance, regular bathing, and changing your clothing after working out, can prevent an outbreak. At the same time, you should consider BioScan technology. By becoming more aware of your body and your emotions, you can minimize the potential of fungal skin infection outbreaks.



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