The BioScan Device is a USA FDA cleared, state of the art Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) testing system. It is fully portable and can be transported in a typical laptop roller bag and takes only a few minutes to set up.
BioScan Technology is easy to use, painless and non-invasive GSR assessment testing which is typically performed by the Practitioner on the hands or feet of the Client.
The GSR data gathered from a Client is reported by the BioScanSRT or BioScanMSA software on easy to read graphs and reports with information which can be analyzed and customized for use by Clients and Practitioners, including the utilization of baseline parameters for stress analysis.
A laptop PC computer is required to be supplied by the Practitioner and used in conjunction with the BioScan Device; Virtually any PC computer manufactured in the last 5 years can be used in conjunction with the BioScan.
Meet the BioScan Systems

The BioScanMSA Ivory allows the technician to perform a comprehensive scan of each tooth to determine if it is balanced. Out of balanced teeth are then further scanned to determine meridian relationships to the tooth pain. Careful analysis of the results by the dentist will allow the dentist to determine the best course of action for patient wellness.
Please visit our BioScanMSA Ivory page for more information.

The typical MSA basic testing protocol, known as the BioRep Testing protocol, takes about 15 minutes. The typical SRT Body 100+ Scan is automated and takes less than 10 minutes.

Real Experiences From Real Users

“I had a high school kid come in for sinus congestion and he hadn't been able to breathe through his nose since he was a child. When he came back for his 3rd visit, he told me that the congestion was gone and he could breathe through his nose once again. He wants his younger brother to come in for help with his allergies. Just wanted to share another success story!”
- Peggy M, C.A.
"As she was distressed with all the itching, I applied a mix of jojoba oil, tea tree oil and schulze's deep tissue oil to stop her from rubbing her back on every rough surface and to be able to sit during the BioScanSRT processing. I ran the 100-point body scan and the bio stressors in multi tincture, the insect and arachnid allergens in both multi and 1x, the shellfish in multi and 1x (since the itching got worse after she had some crab soup for dinner) and the drainage folder in 1x and multi tincture. She slept like a baby and I didn't have to repeat."
- Shanez G, C.N.P.
"Your staff is top notch and I felt compelled to reach out with recognition regarding their fantastic ability to perform for this company. They represent well and reassure me that I took a step in the right direction by adding BioScan to my practice."
- Stephanie M. , Health Coach
"I have thoroughly examined the SRT nutritional program and have found it to be accurate and user friendly. I understand how the products are chosen and I appreciate the option I am given in sorting by outcome or total. Balancing the patients with the product frequencies is an amazing feature."
- Dianne M, D.C.